The prior blog about my proposed invitational tourney took nearly 3 hours* to draft and revise, and send out the invitation. Here's hoping it pays off with a successful event.
One latent characteristic I discovered at my Master's Program was that of Event Organizer. I somehow became the 'Social Coordinator' for my cohort (blame it on the beer and karaoke), and wound up organizing a number of social events for some 20-odd people, such as golf scrambles, karaoke nights, bluffing game and beer, etc. I had never been a 'social butterfly' prior to that point in time. I do not take that responsibility lightly, and when an event organizer has no eye for details and logistics, it is a personal pet peeve.
So, organizers of well-run tourneys, this Bud's for you!
* You may think that I do not have a life. I have a family and a full time job, and any time I devote to my friends and my social club reflects a measure of respect and admiration.